Appropriate attire motivate your workout routine?

It has been proven that wearing appropriate “workout attire” not only contribute a big role in enhancing your workout routine but also motivate you to wanting to performance more and regularly than before… Why? Workout attire provides intrinsic value of sense of belonging to the community on top of comfort in performance.

Current phenomenon of healthy lifestyle has caught attention of not only some individual but some community as a whole. Surprisingly, statistically, more people have signed up in their local fitness centre especially on every New Year according to The Star Online. It is because of festivity and overall eating and drinking including making new resolution for the New Year. Also in recent years more international fitness rand / franchises have more outlets in Malaysia. As more Malaysian are aware about goodness of good health & fitness. However, statistic also shows that, while there are plenty of people joining and staying motivated and keeping up with their workout community but there are even more giving up too… again the question

Majority of people tend to take the view that to be motivated is purely psychologically driven to attain to achieve a  physical body shape , especially the 6 pack abs… That being the case what are the motivation factors available one’s workout motivation is also included physical pleasant during workout session.


In regular gym or park, cotton T-shirt is the common wear for workout and you might prefer cotton as well because it provide comfort & cool for your daily life. But do you experience skin irritation or losing focus during workout when your cotton shirt is absorbed with heavy sweat? Skin Authority’s skin coach mentioned sweating that stay on your skin will be reabsorb and it will lead to skin irritation. The material of cotton shirt can absorb plenty of sweat and it is disturbing to your workout.


To ease these troubles during workout, switch cotton wear to polyester sportswear with quick-drying fabric and lightweight. The AMNIG De-Hydrato fabric (moisture-wicking fabrics) can keep you cool and dry even on your toughest training day. Skin irritation will less likely happen and you won’t feel uncomfortable and itchy during or after workout. You can focus on your exercise to achieve the highest performance and receive the greatest result.

Hope you enjoy your workout session and if you wish to grab some sportswear, you can always visit to Wish you success in building up your body & confident!

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